Dinnerware Measures The CO2 Produced By Dinner Itself

We eat like kings. Whether you’re shopping at Whole Foods or Walmart, the global scope of produce is remarkable: pineapples from Hawaii, avocados from Mexico, and even simple water bottled and shipped from a small island across the globe.

InfObjects , by Johannes Tsopanides of Shapes in Play , take this idea to its extreme. A series of 3-D printed serving vessels--a potato pie on a plate, a bowl of vanilla pudding and a mug of shandy--visualize the precise CO2 impact of the food and drink they hold.


Typically porcelain-smooth dinnerware becomes freakishly mutant. It grows long roots to represent...

Read more http://www.fastcodesign.com/1669548/dinnerware-measures-the-co2-produced-by-dinner-itself

Last modified on Wednesday, 13 August 2014 02:01
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