Joomla 2.5 Templates Updated and 25 % OFF Coupon from JoomlArt

Joomla 2.5 has been released a few weeks ago and we have updated 25 Joomla templates (for JATC) to version 2.5. Including 30 extensions (16 plugins, 13 modules, 1 component). During the Joomla 2.5 update progress we fixed 421 issues (bugs, errors etc.) all within 1 week.

Updated Joomla 2.5 Templates

Updated Templates 2.5 Overview of 25 Templates for JATC members updated, 3 GPLfree templates updated

03 GPL Free Templates Updated

25 Commercial JATC Templates Updated

The positive side effect of the upgrade process, the entire JoomlArt team got a high learning curve and knows Joomla 2.5 in and out. Fixing bugs, putting hands on is the best way to learn a product, as web designers and developers. Do you agree?

Joomla 2.5 is a big milestone for the Joomla & OpenSource community. With its core change separating the CMS and the platform will help us and other developers to have less Joomla update hassle (hopefully) in the future. Get the latest release notes on our Joomla 2.5 update pages Joomla 2.5 template batch release 1 (more will follow).

T3 Framework for Joomla 2.5

Beginning of February we released the version 1.6.1 and close behind 1.6.2 (now version 2.5.0) in order to be full compatible with Joomla 2.5. As Joomla! release version changed to 2.5 (Long Term Release) we decided to change the version number of our T3 framework to 2.5.0 (read the change log), too. This way we are able to communicate clearly the big update of T3 framework along with our Joomla 2.5.x update effort.

25% Coupon Code

Joomla 2.5 Templates Updated and 25 % OFF Coupon from JoomlArt Coupon Code J25UP

After all the hard work we decided to offer our existing members and dear reader 25% on ALL our membership subscriptions JATC, JAEC, JADev (except copyright removal).

The coupon code is valid until the 25.02.2012.

How to use the coupon code?

  1. Visit our sign-up page
  2. Select your membership of your choice
  3. Fill-out the necessary subscription information
  4. Don't miss the coupon code field
  5. Done

Where to add coupon code?

How to use coupon code Screenshot, where to add coupon code

By the wayHappy Valentine

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