Just Eat It: Dissolvable Packaging Could Take Over Instant Coffee

Just Eat It: Dissolvable Packaging Could Take Over Instant Coffee

Starbucks sold $180 million in instant coffee last year--and it was in 5th place. Instant coffee, for as tongue-insultingly sickening it is in the face of real coffee (which can be made pretty darn easily and quickly!), has proven to be a tremendous, globally swaying product for decades.

But how do you innovate in such a field? Starbucks broke in with their Via line through brute force of brand. In an area dominated by giants, where every product is going to be inherently lousy , how can your smaller, inherently lousy product be designed to stand out?

A company named ...

Read more http://www.fastcodesign.com/1669557/just-eat-it-dissolvable-packaging-could-take-over-instant-coffee

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