YOOtheme Relaunch

YOOtheme Relaunch

Since we launched YOOtheme back in 2007 we've used our website design for almost 5 years now. We thought it's time for a change and this summer we started to work on our new website. After months of careful research, planning and development we are delighted to present you our new website today. As you can see everything has changed from the design, navigation, downloads, documentation to the support system. As you will also notice everything has improved and become much easier as well. Also all product pages have been redesigned to give you a better understanding of what we offer and what to expect from our products. This blog post will shed some light on the new features, content and the many new things to explore.


Finally our Widgetkit gets its own place on our website. We created a nice overview of all the widgets and features it currently offers. Also we created an example page which lets you browse through all the popular widgets like the Slideshow, Slideset and Gallery. Each example shows you all the different style variations a widget provides. In case you have not seen the Widgetkit in action yet, make sure to check out our new Widgetkit pages.


Each product site for our themes, Widgetkit, ZOO and the icons has a newly structured download section which lets you find exactly the download you are looking for. Overall we wanted to improve the whole download experience. Everything is now in one place like the download links and version numbers and is easy to access. You can even browse the download section when you are not logged in.


We've also reworked the user account experience. It does not only look much better but also offers quite useful new functionality. A new account modules welcomes you to our website. We use the Gravatar service for your account picture. It is integrated in our whole website: blog comments, support system and account area. Once you are logged in you also have access to our new support system. No double login anymore!


Our new blog keeps you up to date, just like the old one. But there are some goodies to explore. You can now filter blog posts by tags, giving you the news you care about. We've also implemented our own commenting system which is a lot faster than the old one.


We put a lot of effort in our new documentation. It is completely rewritten and restructured for our latest products Warp 6 and Widgetkit. Further our new documentation is available at Github. So if you have any suggestion or improvement you would like to share just send us a pull request.

Support System

The old forum has served us well, but it is time to move forward and trade it in for something entirely new! It is a Answer/Question based support system inspired by Stackoverflow. We put a lot of effort into the development of this new support system. An ajax powered search feature helps you to find the right answers to your questions easier and faster than before. A dashboard gives you a nice overview about all the hot topics. Questions and answers can be voted up and down to prioritize them. This helps to ensure good questions and answers come first. You can also accept a correct answer and it will automatically show up first, so everyone else who is searching for that answer will find it right away. We've also added a nice leaderboard which lists the most active members and you can click on the profile page where we provide a lot of nice statistics. The new search system is open to the public so every one can see what's going on and who is the most active contributor. We'll keep a read-only version of the old forums around for a while, until the new system has proven itself.

What's next

That's not all, expect a few updates within the next weeks and months. We also have some nice surprises prepared!

What do you think about our new site? We appreciate any feedback on how we can improve it more. If you find any bugs please don't hesitate to tell us so we can fix them :-)

Read at Yootheme http://www.yootheme.com/component/blog/2011/12/06/it-s-all-new

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