Dev Update #6

Dev Update #6

Today, we have updated our templates to Gavern 2.8 version, which fixes some problems mentioned on our forum and we also added some new features. First of all, we have updated Google +1 button script and added new options to this area. Now, you can select one of four different layouts of a button, change width for this element via template settings and choose a way of displaying amount of clicks.

Dev Update #6  

In reference to K2Store v.2.5.1 version, we have added support for this component in our few templates: Financial Business, Black & White, Corporate2, Appsite and in News Show Pro GK4 module.


We implemented asynchronous reCaptcha mechanism in templates which use a register form in pop-up window. Now, reCaptcha form can be visible on pages which demands more than one captcha area, like password reset page, user remind etc. When the pop-up window is opened, reCaptcha form goes to a proper place which allows to avoid errors related to wrong reCaptcha keys even if everything is configured properly. ReCaptcha mechanism changes demands to update also the mod_gk_register module available in our rest_files packages. Since Gavern 2.8, reCaptcha is also working in mobile layouts (iphone, android, handheld).

Apart from that, we have also fixed some small issues like missing typography elements, switching between mobile-desktop version and add feature to disable a mobile version in League News template. Many templates got several styling fixes so we recommend to overwrite all template files in order to upgrade the template to the latest version.

Dev Update #6

Bartlomiej Krztuk

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