- Default
- Classic
- Blackboard
- Color Block
- Color Block Light
- Minimal List
- Retro
- Teen Life
The following gallery will give you overview of each style.
Click to open image! Click to open image!
Click to open image! Click to open image!
Click to open image! Click to open image!
Click to open image! Click to open image!
Click to open image! Click to open image!
Click to open image! Click to open image!
Click to open image! Click to open image!
Click to open image! Click to open image!
Click to open image! Click to open image!
Click to open image! Click to open image!
The theme-list is located in the: your_site/templates/ja_wall/themes.
To set a specific style for menus, go to: Extensions --> Template Manager --> ja_wall_Default --> Template themes.
To create a new theme, follow the instruction below:
- Create new theme folder in: your_site/templates/ja_wall/themes with override CSS file and images.
- Define new theme in the file: your_site/templates/ja_wall/templateDetails.xml.
II. How to add new template styles
The following steps guide you how to add new template style and enable it in front-end.
1. Build language package
For each style, we need to build a language for it. Each language has 1 XML file to define in Joomla. For example, with style: Style Classic, to create language with language tag = sty-CLS, we create a folder sty-CLS and a file sty-CLS.xml file with content as below.
2. Install new language package
From back-end of your site, go to: Extensions --> Extension Manager, then select tab: Discover, click on button: Discover then install new created language. The images below show you step-by-step instruction to install new language package.
3. Add content language
From back-end of your site, go to: Extensions --> Language Manager, then select tab: Content, click on button: Add to add new Language then enter the information to the form. Note that the Language Tag must be correct as in the xml file (sty-CLS). The images below show you step by step to install new language package.
4. Create Template style
From back-end of your site, go to: Extensions --> Template Manager, then select the template you want to display.
5. Create menu item
Create menu with menu style = External Url, then enter the following url.
Note: The "435" is the itemid of menu item: Home (it can change so you should check the id of the Home menu to get right itemid).