28 May 2012

1. Important Notes:

  1. JA Wall does not use T3 framework and is a responsive template.
  2. JA Wall does not support IE6, IE7 and RTL language
  3. New plugins as JA Pager, JA LazyLoad and JA Social Feed plugin are again specific for JA Wall.
  4. Use of these with other templates is user discretion but no customization support will be provided for such usage, as these are not tested to work with other templates.
  5. Responsive templates demand all extensions to be responsive too, otherwise the layout shall break, if your extension does not support responsive, there would be little we would be able to do. So please choose wisely.
27 May 2012

I. System Requirement.

  • memory_limit=64M
  • max_execution_time = 300
  • php version 5.2.17 or higher
17 Apr 2012

I. Base-Grid

1. Base-Grid

Install ja_pager plugin to get the option enabled.

We use basegrid as a unit to define width of an item. JA Wall template supports 4 base-grids: S = Small, M = Medium, L = Large and XL = Extra large.

  • ja_pager plugin is installed and enabled in your site.
  • Set the basegrid for each menu or use global setting

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